The unhealthy air we breathe in: Covid-19 and its variants - towards a “New Normal”?
Pollution is not the only thorn in the side that inflicts our respiratory tracts. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses known to cause respiratory infections. There is no vaccine yet to prevent them and no specific treatment other than managing the symptoms. The raging pandemic wave has begun with a first case in the by now famous city of Wuhan in China on March 11, 2020, when the WHO declared that an outbreak of the viral disease Covid-19, had reached the level of a global pandemic, therefore calling for governments to take urgent action to stop the spread of the virus. Phenomenon that hasn’t given any sign to stop up to now. Despite years of scientific and laboratory researches haven’t been yet prepared so effective vaccines to stop this new sneaky scourge for the humankind. The billions dollars investments addressed to solve this issue have not been useful to set up measures of prevention often unsuitable and unsatisfactory and governments, in the impotence to m...