
The unhealthy air we breathe in: Covid-19 and its variants - towards a “New Normal”?

Pollution is not the only thorn in the side that inflicts our respiratory tracts. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses known to cause respiratory infections. There is no vaccine yet to prevent them and no specific treatment other than managing the symptoms. The raging pandemic wave has begun with a first case in the by now famous city of Wuhan in China on March 11, 2020, when the WHO declared that an outbreak of the viral disease Covid-19, had reached the level of a global pandemic, therefore calling for governments to take urgent action to stop the spread of the virus. Phenomenon that hasn’t given any sign to stop up to now. Despite years of scientific and laboratory researches   haven’t been yet prepared so effective vaccines to stop this new sneaky scourge for the humankind. The billions dollars investments addressed to solve this issue have not been useful to set up measures of prevention often unsuitable and unsatisfactory and governments, in the impotence to m...

Beyond the hypocrisy of table talks: Russian expansionism and the fragile neutrality of Ukraine

In the last days all broadcasted news in tv and articles in the foreign affairs magazines and newspapers are dominated by the episode of the amassing of Russian troops on the Ukraine east borders, that represents a real threat for the maintenance of the peace and stability not only for this country but also, indirectly, for all the western part of the continent, EU, and of the world. Since the spring of 2021, there were simultaneous war scares in eastern Europe and the western Pacific, due to a Chinese intimidation campaign against Taiwan and a Russian military buildup on the Ukrainian border. Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the latest years of his mandate, having mobilized 175000 troops on Ukraine borders, was threatening to start Europe’s largest war in decades. Hotbed of conflict, in fact, is not only the east of Ukraine but all eastern Europe, first target of russian egemonic policy. Meanwhile, Tehran and Washington looked to be headed for a renewed crisis over Iran’s nucl...

How a Muslim attack in a Texas synagogue become the litmus test of the crisis of international security

  The Muslim-Jewish conflict evidently seems to keep on going all over the world. Last episode has recently occurred at the  Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in  Colleyville, Texas , by the 44 years old Malik Faisal Akram, the hostage-taker who as police stormed the building. The synagogue was the first Jewish congregation in Northeast Tarrant County. The CBI community officially opened the doors to its own new building in 2005. CBI holds Sabbath morning services every Saturday, and members and non-members alike use to watch from home on the livestream, a practice many synagogues have adopted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Akram reportedly demanded the release of  Aafia Siddiqui , who is currently serving an 86-year prison sentence for the attempted murder of American troops and FBI agents who arrested her. It is unclear if he has any direct connection or relation to her. There is no indication that other individuals are involved in the case. However, on ...